Thursday, March 2 2023

(Yesterday, at time of posting).

Low key putting off the ramp mod...  Just need to get with it and commit, to both the work and then the work after, trying to take advantage of the modification.

March is being March.  Forecast said rain in the afternoon, so made it a point to get out in front of it and ride at 11.  Too chilly to ride before that (40 degrees!).  Managed to tire myself out just in time for the hail/sleet/rain to arrive.  Getting a bit more comfortable on the extension.  Speed is the real trick, and the trick to that is consistent higher airs on the normal side.  Tried the Chrome ATF today, 20.5 top tube, so a little shorter than the rest of the fleet.  Got used to it fast enough.  I still think it's not an ATF, but an LTF, as it's crazy light for the build.  Forecast looks good for the weekend, maybe start tackling the ramp then.

Beginning to get used to the fisheye lens.  Subject placement relative to distortion is the trick, and easy to forget.  As long as you keep everything, including extremities, away from the edge, nothing gets distorted beyond reason.  Need to make a note of that, as I keep forgetting.


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