June 3, 2023 - It's June Already?!

Home base, dig the kicks.

 WTF.  Year is flying by.  So much I was hoping to get in to, and haven't barely started - but, I have started, at least.

Getting brave at Domingo Baca.  Ramp is so smooth, it's almost easy, but it's beyond slippery.  When dry even.

Quest for air continues.  Keep slipping backwards in progress, but got my head wrapped around it.  Took a spill that spooked me last week, but I think I'm over the head part of it anyhow.  Tendinitis in right elbow is making it difficult this week.

Arm hurts, best I can manage today.

Managed to check out a few parks this month.  Tower Park, by my work has a nice mini, and Domingo Baca as one that's the same transition, but I think a bit wider.  Also checked out one way out on the west side called Paradise - looks cool, but was closed for an event.

Trying to loft at Rolling Bone's Estate.

Had some stickers produced, Ditch Bros and UGN, with a HAZUGN on the way, and chick slap in the making.  Hope to get a sort of pack together of them.

Have some topical pain reliever on the way for the elbow, hoping it helps!


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